Eckhart, Chodash & Strohmeier is a Chicago law firm for entrepreneurs, middle-market businesses, and private wealth.
At Eckhart Chodash & Strohmeier, our role is not just to guide you in making solid, informed legal decisions, but to ensure you fully understand those decisions. We see ourselves as lawyers but also as teachers. The law is complex, and we understand those complexities. But an important part of our role as your counsel and our relationship with you as a client is to translate those complexities into clear understanding.
We simplify the complex and clarify what comes next. This means we explain every situation, the related implications and alternatives, in language you can understand, without sacrificing the legal protections you need.
When you understand your legal rights and alternatives, you make better decisions. The other parties involved also get a better understanding, which leads to more trust, and faster and friendlier resolutions. You sleep better at night, not worried about whether your lawyer did what you wanted, but understanding the decisions you made and knowing that your wishes will be carried out. Peace of mind. That’s the result.